Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thanksgiving Jokes

Daddy asked Little Mandy: Why can't you take a turkey to church?
Little Mandy: Because they use such FOWL language
that Jesus does not like.

Menses: "Doctor, help me! I can't stop acting like a turkey!"
Doctor: "I see," "How long have you had this problem?
"Menses: (After mulling for some minutes) Mom laid the egg in 1954..."

What do the turkeys sing on Thanksgiving Day?
God save the kin.

A hockey team had finished its daily practice session.
A large turkey came to the ground and walked up to the head coach,
and demanding a tryout.
Players were amazed and grew silence as the turkey caught pass after pass and ran right through the defensive line.
Finally, the turkey returned to the sidelines,
where coach was waiting for him.
The coach shouted, "You're terrific!!!
Sign up for the season, and I'll see to it that you get a huge bonus."
The turkey replied, "Forget the bonus. And, tell me, does the season go past Thanksgiving Day?"

What will a turkey, with a dramatic bent of mind,
say to another turkey on Thanksgiving morning?
To be or not to be roasted, that is the question.

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